
Adamite is a zinc arsenate mineral. While pure Adamite is colorless, iron impurities give Adamite a common yellow hue. Green or turquoise colored adamite arising from copper impurities can also occur. The mineral is often found in association with hemimorphite, smithsonite, and other zinc-copper minerals in oxidized zinc deposits.


Adamite is valued as a collectible mineral.

Notable Localities

Yellow "pinwheels" of Adamite have occurred in the Ojuela Mine of Mexico. Other notable localities include the Tsumeb Mine of Namibia and Gold Hill of Tooele County, Utah. Green Cuprian and Alumino Adamite crystals have been found in the Lavrion District of Greece.

Chemical FormulaZn2AsO4OH
Crystal SystemOrthorhombic
Mineral ClassPhosphates