
Feldspars are a large group of aluminosilicate minerals. Comprising over 40% of Earth's crust, Feldspar is the most abundant group of minerals.The group is divided into two major categories: potassium-containing Alkali Feldsprars and Plagioclase Feldspars bearing a triclinic crystal system.Notable Feldspar minerals include: Albite Anorthite Orthoclase Sanidine Microcline Anorthoclase Olgioclase Labradorite


Feldspar has significant applications in the field of glass making and ceramics, serving as a strengthener boosting durability and hardness. Feldspar also has minor use in industrial applications, mainly plastic and rubber production. Furthermore, some varities of Feldspar (e.g. Amazonite) are prized as collectibles.

Notable Localities

Feldspar minerals occur abundantly worldwide. Notable specimens of Albite and Microcline have been found in Pakistan, while specimens of Amazonite, a particularly aesthetic variety of Microcline, are noted to occur in the Pikes Peak area of Colorado.

Chemical FormulaKAlSi3O8 – NaAlSi3O8 – CaAl2Si2O8
Crystal SystemTriclinic, Monoclinic
Mineral ClassSilicates