
Galena is a mineral composed of lead sulfide. The mineral is notable for being a crucial source of lead and silver ore. Galena is easily recognizable by octahedral and cubic crystals.


Lead Ore Industrial Mining

Notable Localities

A chief ore of lead, Galena is abundant worldwide. Galena is most famously found in the Tri-State mining district tucked in Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Throughout mining operations, Galena has gained the significance of being an indicator of Lead. In fact, the city of Galena, Missouri was named after the namesake mineral. Worldwide, large crystals of Galena have been recovered from the Krushev Dol Mine of Kosovo, while purplish-blue crystals of Galena have been found at several English localities, such as the Roger Mine of Frosterley.

Chemical FormulaZnCO3
Crystal SystemTrigonal
Mineral ClassSulfides