
The Garnets are a group of Neosilicate minerals that share similar chemical and crystal properties. Garnets are commonly used as decorative materials and gemstones. Common Garnet minerals include Spessartine, Grossular, Pyrope, Alamandine, Andradite, and Uvarovite.


Garnet has been used as a gemstone for centuries, with its popularity peaking in late antiquity. Crystals of Garnet were used in necklaces, crowns, and jewelry.In modern times, Garnet has been used as an abrasive for sanding and cutting through blasting.

Notable Localities

Specimens of Garnet occur worldwide.Fine specimens of Orange Spessartine Garnet are known to occur in several San Diego localities, Tanzania, and the Fujian Province of China.Uvarovite, a crystalline green variety of Garnet, occurs primarily in the Ural mountains of Russia, the type locality for the species.New York state is a large producer of Almandine Garnet, which has been named the state gemstone as a result.Fine specimens of dodecahedric Grossular have been found in Siberia, Vermont and Coahuila, Mexico.

Chemical FormulaX3Y2(SiO4)3
Crystal SystemIsometric
Mineral ClassSilicates
LusterVitreous, Resinous