
Krohnkite is a hydrated copper sulfate mineral. The rare mineral species occurs as a secondary mineral in copper sulfide deposits.Crystals of the mineral typically occur in obpaque blue masses composed of columnar crystals grouped together, lending an appearence similar to Gypsum. Krohnkite is also noted to occur in a green form with twinned crystals.


Krohnkite is valued as a rare mineral among collectors. Furthermore, Krohnkite has been used as an indicator of geologic processes - the mineral has a unique chemical formula caused by the result of formation in hydrothermal fluids.

Notable Localities

Krohnkite occurs in copper-bearing deposits located in dry regions. The type locality of Krohnkite, and most common location where the mineral is found, is the Chuquicamata Mine of Chile.

Chemical FormulaNa2Cu(SO4)2•2H2O
Crystal SystemMonoclinic
Mineral ClassSulfates